anQínea performing at The Red Snapper, Koh SamuianQínea speelt in The Red Snapper, Koh Samui

Samui International Jazz Festival 2011, anQínea performing at The Red Snapper, Koh Samui
Line up:
Michael Rorby (trombone)
Michael Shand (keys) Michael Brushey (drums)
Avri Borochov (double-bass)
Thanks, guys! We really pulled it off!Samui International Jazz Festival 2011, anQínea speelt in The Red Snapper, Koh Samui


Michael Rorby (trombone)

Michael Shand (keys) Michael Brushey (drums)

Avri Borochov (double-bass)

Thanks, guys! We really pulled it off!

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